Technology: A revolution is coming to the kitchen: Instead of the microwave, there is the microwave

Technology: A revolution is coming to the kitchen: Instead of the microwave, there is the microwave |

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January 2024. 23. 12:03 January 2024. 23. 12:05 Technology

Revolution Cooking brought to the market a great innovation, an oven with a range of baking functions, where the new kitchen appliance had only one serious problem: the price.

Opinions about microwave ovens are very different: some people really like them, others consider them a necessary evil. The most common argument from the latter camp is actually understandable for many: a warm plate or cup with cold contents is really annoying, for example if the food is still hot in one place while it is almost cold a little further away.

However, it is not the laws of physics that can be changed, but rather the way in which food is heated – for example with a device that takes a completely different approach and goes beyond the capabilities of a conventional microwave.

The manufacturer Revolution Cooking has developed a new device called Macrowave Oven that can revolutionize the kitchen with the so-called InstaGLO heating solution.

The latter – in the literal sense of kitchen parlance – uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to help people prepare food, and the end result is said to be even tastier.

The new product is a Tasting table was examined by a specialist portal. Almost everything is available in terms of functions and you can easily switch between them. So far this does not seem revolutionary, but the device is capable of running several baking modes at the same time:

  • cooking in the microwave,
  • convection baking,
  • baking in the oven,
  • Grilling,
  • Bake pizza
  • and rewarming.

Furthermore, this is not the entire repertoire, but only the basic skills.

Although only positive things have been discussed so far, the black soup has a price: $1,800. Of course, it’s not a typo, the manufacturer charges about 630,000 HUF for the microwave oven, which is several times the price of a high-quality, multifunctional built-in oven.

However, the oven is, as Tasting Table calls it, the Tesla of kitchen appliances; It has a touchscreen and even the software is upgradeable. The latter is interesting not because the household may have another device begging for available updates, but because over time the oven can acquire new functions with it.

The device also has a number of accessories, such as a glass for the traditional microwave function, but also a non-stick pan and a rack as well as a core thermometer for meat.

The microwave oven is therefore a very versatile device until you see its price – for this reason it is unlikely to become a mass-produced product in the foreseeable future.

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