Rising Cases of Colon Cancer in Younger People: Symptoms to Watch Out for According to Expert

Colon cancer, a deadly disease that has been on the rise among younger people in recent years, is a growing concern. As rates of colorectal cancer continue to increase, it’s more important than ever to be aware of the symptoms and take proactive steps towards early detection and prevention.

Understanding Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer refers to cancers that originate in the colon or rectum. Most cases start as polyps, which are small growths in the lining of these organs. While polyps are usually harmless, they can sometimes develop into cancer over time.

The Alarming Rise Among Younger Individuals

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in colon cancer cases among individuals under 50. According to the American Cancer Society, rates have risen by 2% each year since 2011. This trend is particularly concerning as it has now become the deadliest form of cancer among men under 50 in the United States.

The Importance of Early Detection

Catching colon cancer early greatly enhances a person’s chances of successful treatment and recovery. Regular screenings play a crucial role in identifying any potential issues at an early stage when they can still be fully removed or treated effectively.

“We used to start doing colonoscopies as a screening method at the age of 50, but now the age has been moved back to 45… So please get your colonoscopy,” urges Dr. James Cleary from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Symptoms That Should Not Be Ignored

Recognizing common signs and symptoms associated with colorectal cancer is vital for prompt medical attention and diagnosis:

  • Iron deficiency anemia: Low iron levels can indicate bleeding caused by colon cancer. If iron deficiency anemia is detected, it’s crucial to investigate further with a colonoscopy.
  • Changes in bowel movements: Noticeable changes like frequent bathroom visits, pencil-thin stools, or blood in the stool should not be ignored. These can potentially indicate colorectal issues that require medical evaluation.
  • Unintentional weight loss: Significant and unplanned weight loss may be a warning sign of late-stage colon cancer. If experienced alongside other concerning symptoms, medical attention is essential.

A Call for Awareness and Proactive Measures

Raising awareness regarding the rising prevalence of colon cancer among younger individuals is crucial. As Dr. Cleary emphasizes, it’s essential to seek screening and diagnostic measures at an earlier age if you have any concerns or experience specific symptoms associated with colorectal cancer.

To combat these alarming statistics, public education campaigns about risk factors, symptoms, and the importance of early detection need to be prioritized. Regular screenings and consultation with healthcare professionals can make a significant difference in saving lives and reducing the impact of this devastating disease.

Innovative Solutions for Enhanced Detection

Moving forward, advancements in technology are playing a crucial role in improving early detection methods for colorectal cancer:

  • Sensitive screening tests using minimal invasive techniques such as stool DNA testing show promise in becoming more accessible alternatives to traditional colonoscopies.
  • Ongoing research aims to develop biomarkers that could indicate the presence or likelihood of developing colorectal cancer swiftly and accurately.
  • Innovations leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) hold tremendous potential in assisting medical professionals with accurate diagnosis through analyzing large datasets consistently and efficiently.

The continuous efforts and collaborations between healthcare professionals, researchers, and technology experts have the potential to revolutionize colon cancer detection while prioritizing patient comfort and accessibility.

In conclusion, the alarming rise of colon cancer among younger individuals necessitates increased attention and proactive measures. By being familiar with the symptoms, pursuing regular screenings, raising awareness within communities, and embracing innovative detection methods, we can make significant strides towards fighting this deadly disease.


Rising Cases of Colon Cancer in Younger People: Symptoms to Watch Out for According to Expert

6 Warning Signs in Young People for Colon Cancer Risk: A Message from Doctors

Attention, doctors warn of 6 danger signs in young people. If found, hurry to consult a doctor immediately. Otherwise you risk getting colon cancer.

Dr. Wu Songqin, Intestinal Specialist posted via Facebook page Providing health knowledge on recovery fromColon cancer In addition to revealing the case of a 40-year-old patient, who despite having been diagnosed with colon cancer early during a check-up, recovered quickly. with endoscopic treatment

They also revealed that In recent years, it has been found that the number of colon cancer patients among young people is increasing. Including patients with colon polyps and tumors in people in their 20s, Dr Wu revealed that if these 6 signs are found Please consult a doctor immediately in case of colonoscopy. To prevent colon cancer in the future

1. Blood in the stool

If there are symptoms of blood in the stool Or there is blood on the toilet paper after defecating. The most common cause among young people is hemorrhoids. Use topical medications to treat symptoms. If the symptoms do not improve Or is there still blood in the stool? Consult a doctor immediately.

2. Constipation/diarrhoea

If your bowel habits It turned out that he went to the toilet three times a day to defecate. or may pass more Use medications to treat diarrhea. If treated with medications and a proper diet it still does not improve See a doctor for a thorough examination.

3. Swelling

Are there young people experiencing bloating, difficulty having bowel movements, or not having bowel movements at the same time as before? or even not having bowel movements for several days Go and see a doctor immediately. Because it may later have negative effects on the large intestine.

4. Chronic diarrhea and colic

Chronic diarrhea with colic It usually occurs during the day or when we are subjected to great stress. But if you have these symptoms while you sleep or they occur at night Please consult a doctor immediately.

5. There is mucus in the stool.

presence of mucus in stool cause diarrhea And there were oil stains floating on the toilet. If your symptoms continue to get worse, go to the hospital and have your colon examined by a doctor again.

6. Anemia

People who have just been diagnosed with anemia due to iron deficiency Both women with light periods or in menopause and men who may have urinary tract bleeding. Bleeding in the intestines or chronic intestinal inflammation Always watch your symptoms carefully. If symptoms worsen Please see a doctor immediately for a thorough examination.

Dr. Wu added that in fact, even if we maintain good health and do not smoke or drink alcohol, there is still a possibility of developing colon cancer. This can be observed from the case mentioned above. Even the health of world-class athletes is still at risk from disease. Therefore, it is important to check the body regularly. It will give us the opportunity to avoid serious diseases more easily.

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Source: salute.setn.com

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6 Warning Signs in Young People for Colon Cancer Risk: A Message from Doctors

The Emilia-Romagna Region is strengthening its free vaccination offer – Health

Regional prevention plan updated and strengthened compared to the national one: already this year greater protection for adolescents, children and vulnerable people. The technical update document has been sent to all those involved by the Department of Health Policies. Greater chances of getting vaccinated compared to the national plan

April 16, 2024 – La Emilia Romagna region further strengthens its own I commit per health protection of citizens, enriching, starting from this year, the free vaccination offer addressed to children, teenagers (males and females) and people with fragility.

The new Regional vaccination prevention plan 2023-2025 approved in recent months by the council now comes further implemented and integrated also with respect to the national onefollowing the evaluation carried out by the Regional Vaccination Technical Group and the Regional Vaccine Commission: from this year, free vaccination against meningococcus B is introduced for adolescents (males and females) and against human papilloma virus (HPV), both for the girls that for i Boys until 26 years. Particular attention is paid to more fragile people: it was indeed introduced the possibility of receiving booster vaccines anti-meningococcal B and ACWY in case of specific pathological conditionse the audience was expanded Of citizens with fragility who can be vaccinated againstherpes zoster (the so-called ‘St. Anthony’s Fire’).

All those interested in the vaccination plan, starting from the health authorities, have already been sent byDepartment of Health Policies il technical document with operational update instructions, to ensure their application homogeneous on the regional territoryin a manner coordinated and with the contribution of the actors involved.


Meningococchi. From this year, the free offer of the meningococcal B vaccine is active for adolescents starting from those born in 2011 and, upon request, for those born in 2007; the right to free access is maintained until the age of 18 (i.e. within 17 years and 364 days of age). Vaccinations for meningococcal B and ACWY are also provided for children, teenagers and adults at greater risk for specific pathological conditions, with the indication of booster doses for both vaccines in case of persistence of some of these health conditions.

Papilloma virus (HPV). The vaccine remains free until their 26th birthday for females born in 1996 and from this year, in Emilia-Romagna, also for males born in 2006 who have not previously been vaccinated. The free offer is extended, without age limit, in case of HIV positivity and for women with a previous diagnosis of HPV-related lesions, treated by conization. In our region, in consideration of the existing scientific literature, a free offer is also provided for specific categories of people at risk up to the age of 46 (45 years and 364 days): men who have sex with other men, people engaged in prostitution, people who undertake the gender transition process or have specific pathological conditions. For older ages, the offer of vaccination for the aforementioned categories of people for HPV remains valid in consideration of the joint evaluation between the vaccinating doctor and the reference specialist.

Herpes zoster. Free vaccination is offered to 65 year olds (starting from those born in 1952 and, in 2024, to those born in 1959) and to people over 18 suffering from specific pathologies. The Emilia-Romagna Region has also extended the free offer to those who have had relapses of herpes zoster or particularly serious forms of shingles and other specific pathological conditions.

No changesInstead, for all other vaccinations intended for adults and children.

For information you can contact vaccination services of community pediatrics and public hygiene in their area of ​​residence and to their own medici affiliated (general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice), or consult the Region’s website


The Emilia-Romagna Region is strengthening its free vaccination offer – Health

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