Is sparkling water harmful to your health?


Although it’s generally recommended to drink 1.5 liters per day to stay in shape, you still need to know what water you should use to stay hydrated. Sometimes it is considered too bland and tasteless, but regular water is often used in post by sparkling water, for a spicier and tastier alternative. The problem is that sparkling water is not necessarily your best health ally: let’s take stock so that you can make your decision with your soul and your conscience.

Still or carbonated water, should we really make a big deal about it? Yes and no. When you sit down at a restaurant, you will almost always be asked to choose between the two. Some people set up in the bubble camp to refresh themselves and quench their thirst, others take a more classic approach and order a carafe or bottle of water. In this match everything seems to be a matter of taste. After all, still water tastes just as good as mineral water, right? In reality, this is not entirely true. So before you fire up the soda stream or filter carafe, here’s a quick reminder of the pros and cons.

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Sparkling water: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Sparkling water is still water to which carbon dioxide is added to create bubbles. The more CO2 it contains, the more it glitters. According to several studies, it is richer in minerals than regular water, including magnesium or calcium, which regulate blood pressure and relieve certain digestive disorders such as nausea, indigestion and constipation. It would also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in women, suggests another study published in the National Library of Medicine.

Is plain water still the best option?

If you suffer from fluid retention, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, it may be better to limit your consumption of bottled water due to its sometimes high sodium content. Should we therefore conclude that still water is still the most health-promoting water? Yes, water proves to be the healthiest and most effective choice to quench your thirst. Yes, it is neither high in calories nor high in sugar. If you care about preserving your teeth, a pH level of around seven is the wisest choice, The Conservation further explains.

In this duel, the most important thing is to know what your body really needs. The main thing is not so much to know whether the water is carbonated or not, but rather how much minerals it consumes that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Rest assured, to date there is no evidence that sparkling water is harmful to your health. Additionally, most do not contain added sugar, although check the label for this. Now that you are aware of the risks and benefits, unless there is a medical contraindication, you can diversify the pleasures by serving still and carbonated water at the table.

Aurelie DUHAMEL for TF1 INFO

#sparkling #water #harmful #health

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