Hostage Crisis: Hamas Releases Video of Injured Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Hamas Video Shows Israeli Hostage Speaking ‍Under Duress

Hamas has released a video featuring an Israeli hostage⁣ delivering‍ a message while in captivity. The man,‌ identifying himself as Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, presents a statement clearly scripted by Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by the ‍U.S. and Israel.


The video, possibly filmed to mark 200 days since the hostage situation began, raises hope for the family. The authenticity of the video, posted by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades, remains unverified by CBS News.

The Hostage Families Forum, representing families of those held in Gaza, supports the message delivered by Goldberg-Polin. The group emphasizes the urgency of prioritizing the hostages' release.

Israeli-American Hamas hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin appears in a propaganda video released by the Palestinian militant group on April 24, 2024.

The video reveals Goldberg-Polin's injuries from the attack, showing his missing left hand and visible marks on his head and face. Despite his condition, he speaks clearly in Hebrew and appears relatively healthy.

Hostage Situation and Political Pressure

Goldberg-Polin's statement, made under duress, criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the lack of progress in securing the hostages' release. Approximately 130 individuals remain captive in Gaza out of the initial 240 taken by Hamas.

Goldberg-Polin mentions Israeli airstrikes causing casualties among the captives, with Hamas accused of spreading false information about their fate. The video's release coincided with the Passover holiday, adding emotional weight to the situation.

Goldberg-Polin's parents have been vocal in pressuring Israeli leaders for a new truce and hostage release deal with Hamas. The family's anguish and determination to bring him home are evident in their public statements.

Family's Plea and International Response

Goldberg-Polin's mother expresses love and support in a heartfelt plea for her son's survival and return. The family's resilience and the global call for action underscore the urgency of the situation.

As the hostage crisis continues, the pressure mounts on Israeli authorities to negotiate a resolution. The emotional toll on families and the broader implications of the conflict highlight the need for swift action.

Amidst the ongoing conflict, Goldberg-Polin's plight symbolizes the larger struggle between Israel and Hamas. The international community watches closely as efforts to secure the hostages' release intensify.

Israel & Hamas Conflict



Hostage Crisis: Hamas Releases Video of Injured Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin

Iran and Pakistan Call on UN to Address Israel’s Illegal Attacks

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Entered 2024.04.24 20:45 Modified 2024.04.24 20:45

Iran and Pakistan urged the United Nations (UN) Security Council to respond to Israel’s illegal attacks on neighboring and other countries.

According to a Reuters report, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a joint statement on the 24th (local time), the last day of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s three-day visit to Pakistan. “The irresponsible actions of the Israeli army are a factor that further increases tensions in an already volatile region,” the two countries said in a statement.

The Iranian military attacked mainland Israel for the first time from the night of the 13th until the next morning, using drones and cruise missiles. This was in retaliation for the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the capital of Syria, on the 1st, and the Israeli army announced that they had intercepted 99% of Iran’s weapons by using their air defense network.

Israel counterattacked again targeting Isfahan in central Iran on the 19th, but Iran also claimed no damage. (Photo = Office of the President of Iran)

Reporter Lee Hwi-Kyung

#Iran #Pakistan #respond #Israeli #attack




Iran and Pakistan Call on UN to Address Israel’s Illegal Attacks

Mafia in Palermo, twenty-one convicted in the trial against the Noce and Cruillas gangs

by – ​​10 seconds ago

The Palermo magistrate Angela Lo Piparo condemned 21 defendants who ended up in the “Entire district” investigation, conducted by the Palermo flying squad on 25 May 2022 between the Noce and Cruillas families. , One of the defendants was acquitted. The sentences The heaviest sentence, 20 years, was given to Giancarlo…

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Disclaimer – The post entitled: «Mafia in Palermo, twenty-one convicted in the trial against the Noce and Cruillas gangs appeared 10 seconds ago on the online newspaper».

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Mafia in Palermo, twenty-one convicted in the trial against the Noce and Cruillas gangs

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