For this reason, Angelique underwent two liposuction procedures


After three deliveries, 35-year-old Angelique decided to undergo plastic surgery and have fat removed from two parts of her body: liposuction. We spoke to her about this choice!


Angelique underwent liposuction on her double chin about three years ago. “I was recommended liposuction to permanently get rid of the fat,” she explains. She also had fat removed from her stomach last year. “After my three pregnancies, I no longer felt comfortable in my own body. I didn’t want any more children either. “My eldest is 12 and my youngest is three, and I thought it was time to make a decision for myself again.” The interventions make her feel better and also motivate her to exercise. “The doctors also said that they would not simply carry out such an operation. It is important that you also exercise enough and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Thought for a long time

Angelique had to think long and hard before deciding to have the operation. “I doubted it for a long time, googled everything and did a lot of research in various clinics. It was important to me that it was an accredited clinic, and that’s how I ended up at the National Skin Center. I then went for a consultation and thought about it for another six months. I want to tell everyone that it is so important to go to a good clinic and do good research. Don’t have a procedure done just because it’s cheap.”

Under the knife

Luckily, the procedure wasn’t too bad because of her double chin. “It wasn’t painful at all. If you watch videos, it looks very intense, but it didn’t bother me too much. I found it really scary but I was reassured very well and treated very kindly. The procedure itself only took half an hour and afterwards I was able to breathe deeply again. Afterwards I was given a band around my head and had to wear it for a week. However, the final result was only visible after six months,” says Angelique. The other procedure, abdominal liposuction, was very painful. “Even after six months, I felt severe pain whenever I sat down. Occasionally the muscles that grew together tore apart. I had to wear a special pressure suit. That really took a year.’

Feels better in her skin

For Angelique, the procedures were definitely worth it, despite the pain and discomfort. “I feel like I did before I was pregnant and feel much better,” she says. “The double chin and my stomach started to really irritate me. People even asked me if I was pregnant again. “I think the great thing is that it exists and is therefore possible,” she explains. However, she would not recommend others to undergo cosmetic surgery. “Of course everyone has to decide for themselves. Some people like it, others don’t like it at all.”

Not for sale

“Actually, I only told those around me about the procedure on my double chin, not about the procedure on my stomach,” explains Angelique. “My family knows, I share everything with them, but I’d rather not show it off.” “I don’t think it’s necessary to tell my friends, I’d rather keep that to myself.” Through pictures in However, she knows from social media that many other women also undergo such procedures. “You can definitely see it in photos, but most women don’t say it.” That’s understandable, because you obviously don’t want to encourage young girls to have the procedure. “I often hear about girls going under the knife for these types of procedures at a young age.”


Although Angelique is very happy with the results and does not regret the procedures, she does not need any further procedures. “You sometimes hear that women go crazy and want more and more.” I am very happy with my current appearance and don’t need to have anything done anymore. “That’s really enough,” she says. The scars on her stomach have also made her think carefully about the consequences of surgery. “I was given a special ointment to treat my scars and make my tissue more flexible.” After the first operation on my stomach, all sorts of bumps were visible, which were removed in a second operation. This will also make your scars bigger. This made me realize that surgery can have adverse consequences. “If you thought about it, I would of course wait until after the pregnancy if you don’t want any more children.”

Think about it carefully

Angelique especially wants to tell women who are considering cosmetic surgery to take the time to think about it. “Think about how you will feel good.” It can sometimes take a few years to really figure out if plastic surgery is the solution for you. “Also, I wouldn’t recommend doing it at a young age – I’d say over 30 – and I recommend doing a lot of research,” says Angelique. “Be sure to visit clinics and get information.”

Are you thinking about undergoing plastic surgery yourself? We particularly recommend that you become well informed and visit a reliable clinic. And keep in mind: You are beautiful just the way you are!

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