Episode 70 | Type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea | NDR.de – television – broadcasts AZ


Episode 70: Type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, sleep apnea

Monday, February 12, 2024, 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m

Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 6:35 a.m. to 7:20 a.m

Thursday, February 15, 2024, 1:25 a.m. to 2:10 a.m

Food as medicine: The nutrition docs help people who are almost in despair because of their massive health problems – season ten of the successful coaching format.

Lose weight and regulate blood sugar: a restart for your metabolism

Kirsten H. describes herself as a sugar addict; she cannot get her cravings for sweets under control. The result: The woman from Fockbek suffers from type 2 diabetes and is extremely overweight. Internist Silja Schäfer states succinctly: “More than half of your body is made up of fat.” The beautician’s metabolism is out of control, she has too much sugar in her blood and her pancreas can no longer counteract it. Kirsten H. is shocked and desperately wants to address her health problems. The nutritional doctor recommends a complete reset – restarting your metabolism! After a phase with low-calorie protein shakes and small vegetable meals, the Schleswig-Holstein native should find a permanently healthier diet and melt the kilos she has been eating for years – also with psychological support. Will she rise to the task?

Fibromyalgia: How “internal decluttering” can help

Jörn Klasen wants to help Lars G. get fibromyalgia better under control – with the right food.

“Sometimes it just doesn’t work anymore, then I lie down on the sofa and cry for a while,” is how Lars G. describes his suffering. He has had fibromyalgia, an incurable chronic pain disorder that affects men far less often than women, for over 15 years. The 54-year-old chemical worker has already had to change his job because of his severe symptoms, and his wife Anja is also desperate. Nutritionist Jörn Klasen recognizes the extremely high level of suffering and takes care of the matter. With the words “we would like to open the door into your inner life so that bad things can come out and good things can come in,” he encourages the people of Lower Saxony. Lars’ nutrition log shows that he needs to make a 100% turnaround. From now on, Lars G. should fast for three days every month, otherwise eat anti-inflammatory foods to clear out his body. And: Jörn Klasen wants to get the convinced fish hater to include seafood in his menu in the future and uses a trick. Will it succeed?

Stroke apnea: The tongue can also be fatty

Doc Riedl uses a model to show what a fatty human tongue looks like.

His nights are not only restless, but also extremely dangerous for his health. Olaf H’s breathing often stops while he sleeps; he suffers from sleep apnea, and this puts his heart in danger. “You have 142 pauses in breathing in a six-hour night. This is an absolute lack of oxygen and increases the risk of a heart attack enormously,” explains nutrition doctor Matthias Riedl. The problem: The Coppenbrügger cannot cope with the therapy for sleep apnea at all. He has to wear an artificial breathing aid at night, but the device often causes him to panic. The cause of sleep apnea is being overweight, especially the fat in the tongue. Because when you lie down, the fat pulls your tongue into your throat and blocks your airways. That’s why the commercial employee should lose weight, eat fewer fattening carbohydrates and, above all, eat less frequently. “What you are doing is essentially interval fattening, i.e. intermittent fasting the wrong way around,” says Doc Riedl. In the future, Olaf H. should only eat twice a day, skip breakfast and otherwise switch to fiber and proteins from whole grains, vegetables, legumes, dairy products and high-quality fats. A speech therapist also shows him special exercises to strengthen the tongue muscles. Olaf H. has to change a lot, but he wants to face the challenges. Will he be a match for them?

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