BBC: Russian women publicly protest against Russian government actions – BNN


Something unusual is happening in a conference hall in Moscow: a group of women are publicly criticizing Russian authorities and demanding the return of their husbands and relatives who are among the 300,000 reservists mobilized by President Vladimir Putin for the war in Ukraine, reported Tuesday. January 23rd BBC.

Concerned for the well-being of their relatives, they ask when their military obligation will be considered fulfilled – or after serious injury, disability or death.

The women came together through social media and created the Telegram group “The Way Home.” Women whose husbands and relatives were mobilized in the Ukraine War express different opinions about the Ukraine War. Some support it, others are skeptical of the Kremlin’s actions. However, they share one common belief, namely this

The mobilized men have fulfilled their duty and should return home.

This view contradicts the authorities’ position, and women are cautious in their comments, expressing frustration and dwindling trust in the government.

Russian women who campaign for the return of their mobilized husbands, sons or brothers are criticized from all sides. Opponents of the war accuse the men of following mobilization orders and taking part in the war, while Kremlin supporters describe the women as puppets of the West.

BBC writes that Russian MP Andrei Kartapolov described the call for demobilization as the work of “enemies,” thereby indirectly pointing to the involvement of the Ukrainian army or the CIA. He was referring to the Second World War

It would never have occurred to Stalin that a delegation of women would demand that the conscripted men go home.

said Maria Andreyeva, whose husband and cousin were sent to Ukraine BBCthat she considers MP Kartapolov’s statements offensive and explains that comparing the “special military operation” with the Second World War is inappropriate because then Russia was attacked, but now the exact opposite is the case.

Maria said that some people prefer to ignore what is happening and not think about it. Maria was quoted as saying that the country views its citizens as “just biological material.” BBC.

Maria emphasized that she is against the second wave of mobilization and called on all Russian citizens to be aware of its possible impact on them and to express their position against it.

Although the possibility of a “second wave” of mobilization in Russia is still unclear, the situation could change if Putin rules it out, and history proves this, for example with partial mobilization in 2022, the media write.

To attract public attention,

Marija and other wives of mobilized reservists wearing white headdresses go to the center of Moscow every Saturday. As they lay red carnations at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin by the Eternal Flame.

On her Telegram channel, she explains that these flowers honor the lives of loved ones and those who died in all wars. This peaceful protest also serves to say “Never again.”

Antonina said BBCthat her husband was drafted into the army despite health problems. Antonina claims he is injured and hasn’t heard from him since December.

Antonina also shared how her view of Vladimir Putin has changed. Despite the respect she once felt, she now questions Putin’s treatment of citizens who once voted for him.

Also read: Russian MP flees country after calling Putin a ‘monster’

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